Google has announced as promised last month, there is a new now available Google Drive feature Called Backup and Sync, that will let users conveniently backup, sync and recover vital data, and supports MacOS and PC computers. To access the new desktop app, go into google drive and on the left column (see photo above) click computer and you get the screen shown in the screen shot above. When you click on the “learn more” you will be taken to the Backup and Sync app, and given a choice to download the app to your computer, depending on whether you are using Mac or PC. The same screen offers the user a chance to choose settings for how and what you want backed up.
The Backup and Sync utility can handle an entire hard drive, but make sure you have enough cloud storage available. Google says that the new desktop app will replace the existing Google Photos desktop uploader and Drive for Mac or PC. Instead, the Backup and Sync app combines the older apps’ functionality into one simple interface. G Suite business users are cautioned to continue using Google Drive until a business-intended solution named ‘Drive File Stream’ debuts later this year. Keep an eye out for an early adopter program of Drive File Stream’s coming soon.
About Google Drive: Developed by Google and launched on April 24, 2012, Drive is a file backup and synchronization service. Google Drive enables customers to store files in the cloud, synchronize files across devices, and share files. For file sharing, Google Drive provides collaborative editing of files via the Open Office Suite, of documents, presentations, drawings, forms, spreadsheets.