Author: Ben Michaels

Algae Blooms Could Explain the Shift to Multicellular Life Like us on Earth

Although simple life forms like viruses and bacteria existed on Earth back at least two billion years, scientists are still not sure how life made the critical leap from microbes to the complex multicellular plants and animals that dominate the planet today.  Scientists at the Australian National University analyzed chemical traces of life in sedimentary rocks that are up to a billion years old, to discover that a dramatic ice age called Sturtian glaciation, occurred approximately 700 million years ago. During this time also referred to as Snowball Earth, huge glaciers pulverized entire mountain ranges and caused rapid erosion of landmasses.  When the...

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3D Metal Puzzle Model Kits

Years ago many kids were gifted with model kits, to pass the time away.  The picture on the outside of the box was always the big inspiration, and one quickly learned it took organization, patience, and a delicate touch to put these models together, let alone paint them.  In this electronic age, some of these life lessons are lost and that is a pity. A company called Amusien has brought ‘modern’ realistic 3D models to the market that are 3-dimensional puzzles, made of metal, can be put together without glue (thank goodness) with a slot and tab design, and are...

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Add Biohacking of DNA as Something to Worry About in the Future

DNA is essentially a software program with coding instructions to enable functionality.  Scientists driven to push boundaries have manipulated DNA and have even used it as a storage area for photos (GIFs).  As these lines have been crossed it is not hard to imagine that DNA might be manipulated in malicious ways eventually too.  Computers run on 0 and 1 bit instructions, while DNA strands are made from four building blocks, represented by the letters A, C, G, and T.  The idea of transforming these letters to bit instructions is a potential way to manipulate DNA to run computer commands. Scientists...

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Hormone Klotho Works Rapidly as Cognition Enhancer Supplement in Study

Although this is not a well-known supplement yet, another study seems to indicate that klotho is a protein hormone that can make you more intelligent, stronger and live longer.   A minority of perhaps lucky people naturally produce klotho at high levels, but for the rest of us as with many important chemicals, it declines with aging and seems to thereby lead to slower cognitive function.  While previous studies had revealed associations between elevated klotho levels that circulate in the blood, spine and brain and better cognition, scientists at University of California – San Francisco. have done a next stage of testing that...

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Check Out The Ripple Rug Cat Activity Mat (Video)

When it comes to feline pet entertainment devices we would love to see a cutting-edge soft autonomous mouse that would run around the house and let those cat hunting instincts get well exercised.  But actually, if you’ve ever opened up a box in the house you know that low tech play-things are often very welcome as distractions from your carpets and furniture. The Ripple Rug is an innovative cat activity mat that offers many of the advantages of a scratching post tree house without having to provide a constant dedicated space.  The rug is soft yet strong and durable, made out...

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